
Is tofu good for you?

Is tofu good for you?

If tofu and other soy foods were interviewing for a spot in your weekly meal rotation, they would offer an impressive resume of nutrition credentials. A three-ounce serving of tofu,...

Is tofu good for you?

If tofu and other soy foods were interviewing for a spot in your weekly meal rotation, they would offer an impressive resume of nutrition credentials. A three-ounce serving of tofu,...

How do highly processed foods like instant noodles affect your brain health?

How do highly processed foods like instant nood...

We’ve known for decades that eating such packaged products – like some breakfast cereals, snack bars, frozen meals and virtually all packaged sweets, among many other things – is linked to unwelcome health outcomes,...

How do highly processed foods like instant nood...

We’ve known for decades that eating such packaged products – like some breakfast cereals, snack bars, frozen meals and virtually all packaged sweets, among many other things – is linked to unwelcome health outcomes,...

What happens to my body when I eat spicy food? From health benefits to extreme reactions

What happens to my body when I eat spicy food? ...

Many of us eat spicy food. Some of us eat it almost every day. We all love the taste and the tingle, but how is all that heat affecting our...

What happens to my body when I eat spicy food? ...

Many of us eat spicy food. Some of us eat it almost every day. We all love the taste and the tingle, but how is all that heat affecting our...

Muscle your way to better immunity

Muscle your way to better immunity

While fitness inspiration posts on Instagram tend to spotlight lean and chiselled bodies, it is important to remember that muscle health matters for everyone, not just those in peak physical...

Muscle your way to better immunity

While fitness inspiration posts on Instagram tend to spotlight lean and chiselled bodies, it is important to remember that muscle health matters for everyone, not just those in peak physical...